سلام دوستان عزیز
همون طور که بهتون گفتم خوندن متن های انگلیسی خیلی به تقویت زبانتون کمک می کنه حتی بیشتر از اون چیزی که فکرشو بکنید. در این جا براتون یه مقاله در مورد
گذاشتم. اون رو بخونید و روی کلمات
و اصطلاحات خوب تمرکز کنید و یاد بگیرید.
For many users, Solomon’s Seal (Polygonatum biflorum) is a lifeline that restores them to an active and/or pain-free life. In our experience with herbs and natural remedies, rarely does a plant like Solomon’s Seal come along that is so quickly and profoundly effective in healing such a variety of serious conditions. A retired athlete, who has suffered for years from the devastating effects of countless injuries, finds himself miraculously pain free. A once active middle-aged woman with badly pronated ankles and knock-knees finds in a few weeks time that her knees and ankles are now straight, eliminating the need for surgery and enabling her to hike, garden, and mountain-climb as she did in her youth. A devoted musician and avid gardener experiences the healing of severe “tennis elbow”. An elderly woman with debilitating back and knee problems finds long-term relief and the return of her quality of life. A senior with a twenty-year low back problem and a shoulder injury from !
high school is back to normal within one week and finally able to sleep comfortably through the night.
Such stories of lasting healing through the use of Solomon’s Seal are commonplace. The average amount of time required to achieve good results is from one to three weeks. Occasionally, positive effects can happen overnight, while other users report gradual improvements over periods of one to two months, depending on the severity of symptoms.
Solomon’s Seal has been used and praised for centuries throughout Europe and Asia, where it is native. It is also native to woodlands in the eastern and mid-western United States. Well-known herbalist Mathew Wood, author of "The Book of Herbal Wisdom", deserves credit for bringing this remedy into the public eye here in the U.S. He writes: “I have finally come to view Solomon’s Seal as the single most reliable, useful and foolproof remedy that I have ever come across.”
The root of the plant is macerated in alcohol to create a tincture. A typical dose might be 5-10 drops, or less, taken 1-3 times daily. Tinctures are effective because the alcohol draws out the medicinal qualities of the plant. In addition, tinctures are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system.
A very partial list of the benefits of Solomon’s Seal includes the following:
• Harmonizes, feeds, lubricates, and tightens or loosens (as needed) tendons, ligaments, attachments and joints
• Strengthens and harmonizes entire muscular/skeletal system
• Helps calcify and strengthen bones and decalcify unhealthy deposits
• Can be used before resorting to surgery or to speed the healing from surgical procedures, especially in cases of broken bones and damage to tendons, ligaments or soft connective tissue
• Helps cartilage to regenerate through adjusting connective tissue tensions on joints
• Speeds healing of bruises from blows and falls
• Produces a “plastic response” wherein diseased or injured tissues return to their original quality
• Is a valuable connective tissue anti-inflammatory and can help moderate osteoarthritis symptoms
• Is useful in various female problems such as vaginitis, pelvic weakness, painful menstruation, and menstrual cramps (PMS)
Runners, cyclists, gardeners, musicians, athletes, carpenters, physically active individuals, the elderly, among others, and those who suffer from acute or chronic injuries such as those listed above, may benefit from the use of Solomon’s Seal. It’s worth considering.
By Forrest McDowell PhD & Tricia Clark-McDowell
فهرست حذفیات کتب منبع سؤالات آزمون سراسری سال 1389 | ||||||||||||||||||||
جزئیات ثبتنام کنکور 89 |
16/09/88 تاریخ درج خبر |
ثبتنام کنکور سراسری سال 1389 از امروز به صورت اینترنتی آغاز شد و تا 24 آذر ادامه دارد . ثبتنام کنکور 89 به دو روش صورت میپذیرد، در روش اول داوطلبان میتوانند با مراجعه به سایت سازمان سنجش به نشانی www.sanjesh.org و دریافت دفترچه راهنمای ثبتنامه (دفترچه شماره 1) از طریق سایت سازمان ثبتنام کنند.
روابط عمومی سازمان سنجش آموزش کشور |
با سلام
مهمترین درس شما زبان تخصصی است در حین این که عمومی هایتان را تقویت می کنید. یکی از موارد مهم در زبان تخصصی هم درک مطلب است که حدود 15 سوال را به خودش اختصاص داده است. 3 درک مطلب در سطح تافل به شما داده می شود. که برای پاسخ دادن به آن ها باید مواردی را رعایت کنید که اصول پاسخ گویی به درک مطلب است. برای اینکه بتوانید از پس سوالات متن بر بیایید باید قبلا آن قدر تمرین کرده باشید که تسلط کافی را برای پاسخ گویی پیدا کرده باشید و اگر متن تان مشکل بود و کلمات جدید زیادی داشت، بدانید بدون اینکه آشفتگی ذهنی پیدا کنید، چگونه مفهوم کلی متن و جملات و کلمات کلیدی را تشخیص دهید و درک کنید. سعی می کنم درک مطلب های مختلف در سطوح گوناگون را برایتان قرار بدهم.
اما برای حل سوالات درک مطلب می توانید از روش زیر استفاده کنید:
1) ابتدا بایستی سوالات را بخوانیم و جلو هر سوال به اختصار چیزی را که خواسته شده است را بنویسیم.
2) متن را می خوانیم و درحالیکه نیم نگاهی به سوالات داریم، کلمات مربوط به هر سوال را علامت گذاشته و شماره ی سوال را بالای آن می گذاریم.
3) آنچه از درک مطلب استنباط می کنیم در یک جمله خلاصه می کنیم.
4) حدود 15 ثانیه بر روی کلمات کلیدی متن و سوالات تمرکز می کنیم و جواب سوالات را انتخاب می کنیم.
During the period of urban expansion following the Civil War, speculative builders discovered a bonanza in the form of the row house. Designed for single family occupancy, these dwellings cost relatively little to construct because they shared common walls with their neighbors and because many could be erected side by side on a narrow street frontage. Along New York’s gridiron of streets and avenues rose block after block of row houses, which, by the 1880, were almost invariably faced with brownstone. In contrast, wooden row houses on the West Coast appeared light and airy with their coats of bright paint. San Francisco developed a particularly successful row vernacular, suitable for rich and poor alike, as typified by clusters of homes like the Rountree group, which featured Queen Anne elements in their pitched roofs and heavily decorated exteriors. Although critics likened the facades of such structures to the “puffing, paint, and powder of our female friends,” the houses were efficiently planned, sanitary, and well-lighted. Virtually every dwelling boasted one or more bay windows, which were as important to sun-loving San Franciscans as brownstone fronts were to New Yorkers. As an English traveler observed, California architecture, “with all the windows gracefully leaping out at themselves,” should rightly be called the “bay-window order”.
1) The main purpose of the author in this passage is
(a) To contrast two versions of similar architectural form
(b) To persuade people to live in row houses
(c) To argue for the excellence of California row houses
(d) To describe early housing in urban areas
2) The phrase “a bonanza” in line 2 is closest in meaning to
a) A confusing choice
b) A difficult challenge
c) An exciting design
d) A good investment
3) The phrase “almost invariably” in line5 is closest in meaning to
a) Usually
b) Seldom
c) Sometimes
d) Never
4) According to the passage, why did speculative builders profit from row houses?
a) Because they cost very little to build
b) Because they were for single families
c) Because they were well-constructed
d) Because they were attractive
5) All of the following can be inferred about row houses from the passage Except
a) They provided for high-density housing
b) They housed people of different economic classes
c) They provided a new and popular form of architectural design
d) They had no front yards
6) The phrase “such structures” in line10 refers to
a) West coast wooden row houses
b) Poor people’s houses
c) The homes in the Rountree group
d) Queen Anne’s home
7) What can be inferred from the passage about New York houses?
a) They were less colorful than row houses on the West Coast
b) They were windowless
c) They were smaller than California houses
d) They were less similar in appearance than row houses in California
8) Critics of California row houses commented on their
a) Excessive use of bay windows
b) Ostentatious decoration
c) Repetitive nature
d) Lack of light
9) The word “boasted” in line11 is used to indicate the owners
a) Skill
b) Wealth
c) Intelligence
d) Pride
10) The author of the passage implies that the most important feature for Californians living in row houses was
a) The color
b) The price
c) The windows
d) The heavily decorated exteriors